What time can I drop my child off?
The School Gates open at 8.45am.
Nursery and Reception children can be dropped off with nursery staff from 8.45am.
Children in Years 1-6 are brought to the gate and handed over to the staff on duty teacher from 8.45am.
Children are not supervised on school premises before these times.
The School operates its own before and after school provision which open at 8.00am, more information and booking forms can be found here.
What parking is available at School?
The School has a dedicated car-park for all parents at the front of St Raphael’s Church, accessed from Huddersfield Road.
Parking is not permitted on the school drive at anytime for parents this includes drop offs for Before School Provision, Breakfast Club and collections from Nursery, After School Provision and Clubs. The only exception to this is for Blue Badge holders who must notify the Headteacher.
Children’s safety is paramount on the driveway at all times and a no vehicle policy is applied from 8.45-9.15am and 3.00-3.30pm.
We politely ask parents not to park on the former Millbrook car-park, this is for residents of the apartments only. Parking is no longer available on Reach Church.
What if we are late to school?
Children arriving after 8.55am must come into school at the school office.
If you arrive before 9.10am you will be marked as late.
If you arrive after 9.10am you will be marked as late after registration has closed.
If you arrive after 9.30am you will be marked as absent for the morning session.
Does school have a breakfast club?
School doesn’t have a breakfast club but the school does offer paid before and after school provision, further information and booking forms can be found here.
What time do I collect my child?
Nursery finishes at 11.45am or 3.15pm for those staying in the afternoons.
School finishes at 3.15pm, the gates will be opened by staff at 3.10pm.
Can my child walk home without an adult?
Yes on the understanding that they are of an appropriate age to walk home alone or with other children and also that you have notified school that this is the case. Please notify Miss Southworth, the office and class teacher if your child is walking home.
Can my child bring a mobile phone into school?
Mobile phones are not permitted in school at any time. The single exception to this rule is for those children who walk home without an adult.
There are rules in place in relation to having a mobile phone in school for this single purpose and parents of those children who have a mobile for walking to and from school must read, sign and return the following letter;
Can my child stay all day in nursery?
Yes, the morning session is the nursery session for all children.
School offers 30 hours childcare and paid afternoon sessions – see Nursery Admissions for more information.
School also accepts childcare vouchers for payment of nursery fees, please see the office for further information.
What if someone else is collecting my child?
You must tell the class teacher if someone else is collecting your child or they are walking home themselves, this is particularly important for those children in EYFS and KS1.
Do you have details of local childcare providers?
The school prospectus has information on local childminders and out of school clubs.
The school also operates its own before and after school provision, more information can be found here.
What after school clubs does school run?
School is currently only operating after school clubs as part of the Covid Catch Up Curriculum.
What time is break?
Morning break is 10.45am-11.00am for KS1 and 11.00am-11.15am for KS2.
Lunch break is 11.45am-1.00pm for EYFS, 12.00pm-1.15pm for KS1 and 12.15pm-1.15pm for KS2
Afternoon break for KS1 is 2.30pm-2.45pm
Nursery and reception have free play throughout the day
Does my child need a snack for break?
Children in EYFS and KS1 receive a fruit snack each day.
Children in KS2 (Y3-6) are asked to bring a healthy snack from home for breaktime.
Can my child have a school lunch?
You can either choose for your child to bring a packed lunch from home or have a school meal.
School meals cost £2.68 per day from September 2022, and must be paid online at http://www.tameside.gov.uk/schools/meals.
It is standard policy that you need to give 2 weeks notice to move from school meals to sandwiches or sandwiches to school meals.
From September 2014 children in Reception Class, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal under the Government’s Universal Free School Meal initiative (UIFSM). This will still be governed by school policy as detailed above, more information can found in the school meals section of the website.
What can my child bring in their packed lunch?
In line with school’s healthy eating policy please ensure your child brings a healthy nutritious lunch.
We ask that no crisps, chocolate or fizzy drinks be sent in. Please remember that the younger children need something which they can easily open and eat.
Healthy Eating Policy St-Raphael’s June 2021
Do I qualify for free school meals?
If you have children in Year’s 3-6 and think you may qualify for free school meals please make an application online at here. Children in nursery are not covered by the free school meal scheme.
Information regarding free school meals is managed confidentially.
I don’t currently claim free school meals – what does this mean for me?
If you think you might be eligible for free school meals, you can submit a claim by following the link to the Application Form – https://www.cloudforedu.org.uk/ofsm/sims-tameside or requesting a form from school.
The Information you provide will be used to check if you are in receipt of a qualifying benefit and, if you are on Universal Credit, that your earnings do not exceed the threshold. If you claim Universal Credit, your earnings will be assessed from up to three of your last Universal Credit assessment periods.
I think I qualify for a Free School Meals, but my child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 and receives a free meal under the UIFSM initiative?
Please still complete an application.
Eligible children not only receive a free school meal, but the school can claim additional government funding to support the children called Pupil Premium. Details of how Pupil Premium funding is used at St Raphael’s are published on the school website.
What is Pupil Premium Funding?
Pupil Premium is additional funding given to publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of pupils from lower income families and to close the gap in achievement between them and their peers. Traditionally Pupil Premium funding has been received where a child is in receipt of Free School Meals. In light of changes to school meal provision, we need to ensure that the school stills receives 100% Pupil Premium Funding.
More information on Pupil Premium funding and how to apply can be found here.
Will my child get homework?
Yes, all children in school receive homework.
See the school’s homework policy here and the individual class pages to see how much and what homework your child will receive.
When does my child do PE?
Children in years 1-6 have PE on a Monday and Friday and on one other day in the week. Children in Reception class have PE on Thursday afternoon.
We advise that PE kits be kept in school at all times and washed during the holidays or at weekend if necessary.
What is the school uniform and where can I buy it?
Details of the school uniform including the PE kit can be found in the school prospectus and on the uniform page of the website here.
Jewellery is not permitted at any time, including earrings.
My contact details have changed, what do I do?
Please come to the school office to update your contact details as soon as they change, this is particularly important for emergency contacts and those contacts used for the text messaging service and SchoolMoney.
When is the school office open?
The office is open from 8.30am until 4.00pm, Monday-Friday.
Staff in the office can help with all enquiries including appointments with the headteacher. You can also contact the office by email at admin@st-raphaels.tameside.sch.uk
How will I be told if school will be closed?
We try to ensure that school remains open throughout the academic year. Unfortunately there may be occasions where it is unsafe for the children to be in school e.g snow, building issues and therefore school would be closed.
Should school be closed we would notify parents/carers via the text messaging service, the school website and Twitter. In addition if school needed to close early we would use the same methods of communication.
In bad weather we adhere to guidelines and communication plans under the direction of the Local Authority.
What if I need to take my child out of school during the school day?
Please send a note in to say that you are taking your child out of school and why with any supporting medical letters/appointment cards. Absences will not be authorised without evidence.
All children must be signed out at the school office before collection.
If they return to school they must be signed back in at the school office before returning to class.
What if my child is sick?
Please ring or email the school office to let us know that your child won’t be in school before 9.30am.
Keep them off school until they have recovered and send a letter on their returning as to why they were absent.
In cases of sickness and diarrhoea and in line with government guidelines please keep your child at home for 48 hours after the last occurrence of sickness and/or diarrhoea during.
My child is on a course of medicine, can school give this to them?
School will give your child prescribed medicine should they require this on a short term basis. Parents/carers should complete a consent form which can be found on the website – St Raphael’s Administering Medicines – and bring the medicine and completed form to the school office.
What if my child is unwell at school or has an accident?
If your child is unwell in school we will contact you on the emergency numbers you have provided. Please keep these updated if numbers change or you move house at all.
If they have had an accident they will seen by one of school qualified first aiders who will administer care, where necessary we will contact you to let you know of an accident. All accidents in school are recorded.
Can you support my child’s medical condition within school?
School staff have experience and training for administering medication for children suffering from allergies and other medical conditions and work with the school nurse, the parent/carer and the child in this process.
Please make an appointment to see the headteacher in the first instance to discuss any needs your child may have and how school can support these being managed within school.
We need to take holiday’s in school time?
It is requested that all holidays be taken outside term time however if for some reason your child is taking leave during term time please complete a request for absence form at the school office. Please be aware that the Local Authority can now enforce fines for unauthorised absences in term time, further information is available by following this link
Parent Information – Term Time Absence
Application for Leave of Absence
Leave of absence will only be granted by the governing body if they feel there are exceptional circumstances.
Will my child go on any school trips?
The children will participate in school trips where it links into the curriculum eg year 1 visit to the airport during their work on transport and will be organised by the class teacher.
All trips are run in line with Tameside’s school visit policy and follow their outlined procedures for organising a school trip.
Trips will ask for voluntary contribution from parents towards the costs of the trip.
Can I take photographs at school events or on school trips?
We ask that you do not take pictures on school visits – the teacher will ensure photographs are taken for use in school and on the website.
You will be asked to sign a disclaimer at any school events where it is approved for images to be taken e.g. Christmas Play. We ask that images are only taken for your own personal use and are not published on any social networking sites.
What if I don’t want my child’s picture on display?
You will be asked each September to complete a contact and permission form which covers use of images taken in school. On this form you can opt out of your childs image being used on website, newspapers etc and this will be listed on the class health and welfare footprint.
I want to ask a question, let you know something or contact my childs teacher or the headteacher – how do I do this?
You will always find a warm welcome at St Raphael’s and we understand that there are times when you need to speak to school about various matters concerning your child. We facilitate this in many ways as follows;
Mrs Lakner, Mr Matthews and Miss Southworth are available in the morning morning and afternoon at the gate to take messages and discuss any matters with parents.
Teachers are available at the end of the day to discuss anything with you or alternatively you can contact school direct by telephone or email.
You can contact school in person at the office or by phone/email to make and enquiry, provide information or make an appointment with the headteacher.
Contact details for school can be found here.
I want to give school some feedback or make a suggestion?
If you have any comments, feedback or suggestions about the website or any aspect of school life please email here.