St Peter’s & St Raphael’s Church
Since the closure of St Raphael’s church in 2011 the school sits within the Parish of St Peter’s, now officially known as the Parish of St Peter & St Raphael’s Stalybridge.
Click here for the Parish Website.
We are very lucky to have access to the beautiful St Peters Church as well as our own, in-school Chapel which was blessed by Bishop Mark in 2015.
Contact information:
0161 338 2575
Off Castle Hall Close,
SK15 2ED
click here to access a map showing its location.
For the time being Mass will take place on Saturday evenings (Vigil) 6.30pm (arriving from 6pm), Sunday mornings 11am (arriving from 10.30am) and Wednesday mornings 10am (arriving from 9.30am).
Please do not arrive any earlier as the doors will not be open and stewards will not be in attendance.
- Face coverings will be mandatory unless you are exempt from doing so. Thisis for the good of all who gather in the Church as it is an enclosed public space where there are people from differing households who do not normally
- You must telephone Pat & Peter on 0161 330 1735 to book your place at the Mass you wish to attend. This enables us to compile a record of names & contact details which, will be kept in the office for “Track & Trace” purposes only and to ensure we maximise capacity (whilst maintaining safe distancing) and to avoid visitors being turned away.
- You can bring your own Personal Missal/Prayer Book, but you must remember to take it home with you.
- There will be no singing at any Mass.
- The offertory collection for now will not be taken during Mass . You can place your contributions in the basket at the back of church on your way out
Thank you for your continued support,
Fr Philip Atkinson
Deacon Antony Zidan
We are situated within the Diocese of Shrewsbury, further information about the Diocese can be found here with information Relating the Diocese of Shrewsbury Schools Building Fund here.
Diocesan Live Stream
The Diocesan website ( has been redesigned to allow the Live Feed to the Cathedral to be quickly and simply accessed. A daily programme of Mass and prayer from Cathedral has been established from 6.45am in the morning until 8.30pm in the evening. This will provide a place from which we can be united in the offering of the Mass and in prayer together. We encourage you all to use these resources to be spiritually connected.
More services can be streamed here:
Link to The Wednesday Word