Mission Statement
“May God’s love shine in our lives as we care, share and learn together.”
At St Raphael’s Catholic Primary School, God is at the heart of everything we do. God’s love has made us unique. Each one of us is special. In our daily lives we try to be followers of Jesus Christ. Whatever we do in school is for the glory of God.
School Aims
We aim to help each child achieve full potential by adopting a curriculum and teaching/learning styles that are sufficiently differentiated to cater for individual needs.
We strive to meet pupils’ personal and social needs and promote the acquisition of Catholic values, which are as important as developing academic potential.
We work to provide a school environment in which pupils are happy, feel secure and valued as individuals and learn to co-operate with one another.
We welcome and encourage a partnership in which the interest and participation of pupils, parents, staff, governors and others in all aspects of the educational process are celebrated.
We aim to ensure the continued success of our family atmosphere. By listening to each other, and responding positively we can achieve this.
We are part of the Stalybridge School Partnership which links with all Stalybridge Primary Schools.
We work closely with our parish of St Peters and St Raphaels.
We are in an Education Partnership with the local Catholic primary schools of both the Shrewsbury and Salford Dioceses and our main feeder school;
All Saints’ Catholic High School.