Welcome to Mr Matthews’ Maths page
Here you will find some useful information about the teaching of Maths at St Raphael’s. This page will be added to along the year so please keep checking back for new and exciting information and links.
If there are any questions about the documents or information found on this page, please feel free to contact me and I will do my best to help.
At St Raphael’s, it is essential we have a clear and consistent approach to the teaching of maths. We introduced our new policy for the teaching of calculation to ensure clear progression from year to year. If you would like further guidance on any of the methods that we teach, please come into school to speak to myself or your child’s teacher and we will be more than happy to assist in any way we can. Here is a copy of our current policy
Our Objectives!
The documents below cover the objectives that your child should aim to be confident in by the end of the year. They include some examples of how you can help at home to reinforce the key skills needed as your child progresses on their journey through school.
There will be a meeting for parents to further explain our objectives and how they fit with the National Curriculum. Please look out for the date in the newsletter.
St Raphael’s Objectives for parents in Y1
St Raphael’s Objectives for parents in Y2
St Raphael’s Objectives for parents in Y3
St Raphael’s Objectives for parents in Y4
St Raphael’s Objectives for parents in Y5
St Raphael’s Objectives for parents in Y6
In December 2014 we launched our Times Tables Awards Scheme, information can be found in the letter below and a copy of the pupil record card is available for you to print off at home if your child loses their copy;
UPDATED Letter to parents about times tables challenge
UPDATED times tables award scheme
This website is free to access at home using the username and password that your child knows (if not please ask your child’s teacher to provide you with this). The website challenges children’s knowledge ranging from basic number facts to high level mental calculations, so is perfect for all ages and levels. Please click on the picture to take you to the website.
Are you up for the challenge????
Children in Years 4-6……Can you complete the challenge below? Bring your solutions to me with all the working out!!
“Sixteen players enter a tennis tournament. If there can be no draws how
many games must be played if each player can be eliminated by one loss.”
Click on the links below to take you to lots of fun maths games for you and your child to enjoy.
KS1 Bitesize KS 2 Bitesize
BBC Schools Numeracy 4-11