Parent Forum Meetings have been suspended during the Covid-19 Pandemic. Enrichment activities are still taking place in school in a Covid safe environment.
The last parent forum meeting took place in March 2020 and covered the new RSE curriculum;
Parent Forum Action Plan 2018-2019;
FOSR Newsletter Spring Term 07.03.2017
January 2018
Thank you for your support at the Christmas Disco. The children had a great time and thank you to the Friends of St Raphael’s for organising the event and to all parents and staff who helped on the night. The disco raised £600.00 towards our one big fundraising goal for 2017-2018, which is replace the class set of school I-Pad’s. This will be combined with the £450.00 raised at the Lucy Cobb Fashion Show. The next FOSR events for Spring Term will be announced shortly.
Our next Parent Forum and FOSR Meeting is Thursday 8th February at 6pm.
Friends of St Raphael’s News! Please see the latest newsletter below,
FOSR Newsletter Autumn Term 13.09.2017
Parent Forum Action Plan 2017-2018;
Parents Forum Action Plan 2017-2018
The last Parents Forum Meeting took place on Wednesday 8th March 2017,
Parents Forum Meeting Minutes 8th March 2017
The last Parents Forum meeting took place in November 2016, at this meeting the action plan for the 2016-2017 academic year was agreed;
Parents Forum Action Plan 2016-17
An E Safety Meeting was held on 9th December regarding safe use of the internet and advice for parents in ensuring their child remains safe whilst using the Internet and Social Media. Further information and guidance can be accessed on the School Policies & Guidance page here.
An information workshop was held on 11th November, where leading education expert, Alex Bedford, was invited to explain the changes to the new curriculum and assessments to parents. This built on work Alex had already delivered with school staff and was important for all parents ahead of parents evening.
The Parent Forum held its first meeting on Monday 19th October 2015. An action plan from the meeting is available here;